Christmas: Just Around the Corner and Thru the Door



Of late, things just don’t seem to have been as …nice as they may have been around this otherwise beautiful planet.  But despite the real, or perceived onslaught of often sobering news, we hope for some positive reflection and prospects for all humans of good will, – and yeah, similarly inclined dogs and cats and others, as well… especially during this and all traditional, thankful holiday seasons. 

M (and JHSTDKSJLA and SP 🙂  – our family)

Featured image credited to Disney World Gingerbread House, Grand Floridian Hotel

9 thoughts on “Christmas: Just Around the Corner and Thru the Door

    1. Wow, you are fast. Emilio: Thank you so much, and of course the same to you and Melissa. A different enviroment for you two this season, like paradise. And I’m thinking you could look up to the mountaintops to see snow. 🙂

      1. Actually, earlier this week, as we went for our morning walk, we could look up at Mauna Loa where a sizable portion of its peak was shrouded in white.

        . . . we opted to admire it from a distance . . .

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