Osprey Eyes

Photographed at our local Osprey nest on Barnegat Bay last week, Dad (left) and Mom (middle) are seen raising three offspring, shown here at a young age of about eight or nine weeks. It’s late afternoon …dinner time, and a fresh fish is the meal at their feet on the right.  What intrigued me was the color or their eyes. 

Below: A closer view of the light gray-eyed adult, contrasting strongly to the orange of the fledgling. 
And below, this same color distinction is seen here with the mom, (now staring at me,) and the orange eye color of the other two siblings.

Thanks for viewing, zoom in for a closer look, and comments are always welcome M 🙂 

Island Beach State Park, Early Morning

Yesterday, July 2nd, I crossed Barnegat Bay at sunrise to the boater’s access path on New Jersey’s “Island Beach State Park,” enjoying an early morning walk at the edge of the Atlantic.

The last two images display nicely under higher zoom.

As always, thanks for viewing, and comments are always welcome. M 🙂