To The End of Orient Point, Long Island, (N.Y.)

The approximate distance from Times Square to the North-Eastern tip 0f Long Island is 100 miles, or 160 kilometers. Some time ago I explored this sea-washed lands end, known as Orient Point, while over looking the 1899 lighthouse by the same name.

Walking back, I noticed I was not alone!

Zoom in for a closer look and comments are always welcomed. M 🙂




Early April Morning …and the Moon

                                                         Yesterday, April 8th

Thanks for viewing. Comments are always welcome and zoom in for a closer look. M 🙂

The Smith Tower – Seattle, Washington

At forty-two stories, 462′ (141 m,) the Smith Tower was the tallest building in Seattle for fifty-five years, 1914 to 1969. On a vacation some years ago, we enjoyed the history of that building and climbing to the observation level near the top.

From the NW corner,  eleven-year old Steve stands before the Seattle Space Needle seen here to the north.

                      Eastern Elliot Bay forms the waterfront of Seattle.

And the view south is the old King Dome, which we thoroughly toured earlier, with the King Street Train Station (with tower) and I-5 in the distance to the left, here looking south

         Thanks for viewing, zoom in for a closer look and comments are always welcome. M 🙂

Bird On A Wire

A while ago, I had taken this picture, not thinking much about it until coming across it later and thinking that this gull was really good at balancing on the wire. Calm, cool and …just casually sitting on the wire! Here’s an example of how a one dimensional photo lacks the extra information gained by depth perception. Do you see it?

Thanks for viewing, zoom in for a closer look, and comments are always welcome. M 🙂

Escaping the Wrong Way from New Jersey in WINTER

Newark Airport – Terminal ‘C.’     Early morning, quite a few years ago. “Florida?”  “Hawaii?” …I could only dream!  

Retired now, but a glimpse back to years of employment often revealed necessary travel. How nice!  But mid-winter?  It meant up early in the cold, managing the slippery roads to the airport, and shuffle off to …Buffalo, or Detroit, or some other frozen landascape.Renting a car was the norm. Bringing it back in one piece was the expectation.

Yeah, there was work to be done, and yes, often pretty landscapes in between.

But, at the end of some of those days, there was always a little nervous anticipation, often by the windows of the waiting room, pretending to read “USA Today” while supressing the notion of helplessly skidding or sliding down the runway in that plane out there. I would maybe think: Is this the fun part yet?

Thanks for viewing, and comments are always welcome. Zoom in for a closer look.

M 🙂